May 14, 2004

Piers Morgan foi demitido de editor do «Daily Mirror» depois de se ter provado serem falsas as imagens publicadas pelo jornal como sendo de soldados britânicos e torturem prisionairos iraquianos. A BBC News sublinha que o jornal apresentou desculpas públicas ao batalhão acusado. Excerto: The newspaper released a statement saying: "The Daily Mirror published in good faith photographs which it absolutely believed were genuine images of British soldiers abusing an Iraqi prisoner.

"However there is now sufficient evidence to suggest that these pictures are fakes and that the Daily Mirror has been the subject of a calculated and malicious hoax.

"The Daily Mirror therefore apologises unreservedly for publishing the pictures and deeply regrets the reputational damage done to the QLR and the Army in Iraq.

"The paper will continue to cooperate fully with the investigation.

"The board of Trinity Mirror has decided that it would be inappropriate for Piers Morgan to continue in his role as editor of the Daily Mirror and he will therefore be stepping down with immediate effect."