August 21, 2003

Art Buchwald é um dos melhores colunistas da imprensa americana e a sua forma de escrita é verdadeiramente exemplar. Ao visitar algumas das suas colunas recentes, dei com esta, intitulada «Starts With S, Ends with EX» que é verdadeiramente brilhante. Foi publicada dia 14 de Agosto no
Washington Post. Excerto:I was looking at the magazine stand and I noticed almost every magazine had the word "SEX" on the cover. It wasn't just Playboy and Penthouse -- every periodical from Cosmopolitan to House & Garden was using it so that I'd buy their magazine.
When I got home I turned on the television and darned if "Sex and the City" wasn't on the air. "That does it," I said to myself. "It is time to research the word."