August 21, 2003

Como nasceu a arte a partir do ser humano? A pergunta aflige muita gente. Num excelente artigo do Japan Times traça-se um paralelo entre a arte pré-histórica e nós próprios. Excerto: Picasso, on visiting Lascaux, reportedly remarked that "we have discovered nothing new in art in 17,000 years." As White comments in his book, "all of the major representational techniques were known at least by the Magdalenian [Period, beginning about 18,000 years ago]; oil- and water-based polychrome painting, engraving, bas-relief sculpture, sculpture in the round, charcoal and manganese crayon drawing, molded clay, fired ceramic figurines, shading, perspective drawing, false relief, brush painting, stamping and stenciling." The Grotte Chauvet even contains the image of a bison colored by dots of paint applied by hand, a technique that White describes as "pointillism -- 300 centuries before Seurat."