September 25, 2003

Não, não vou citar os Early Morning Blues de Pacheco Pereira. Recomendo, em vez disso, a leitura do artigo da New Yorker sobre a série de televisão em sete episódios produzida por Martin Scorsese para a PBS sobre os blues. Excerto: At the beginning of the first film in the series, “Feel Like Going Home,” which Scorsese also directed, he says, “I can’t imagine my life, or anyone else’s, without music. It’s like a light in the darkness that never goes out.” He gave six other directors the freedom to make the films they wanted to make, while seeing to it that the basic ground—the history and influence of the Delta blues—was more or less covered. The resulting movies, individually and as a group, make no pretense to definitiveness—blues fanatics, and even normal music fans, will notice omissions. But though the series isn’t quite a balanced meal—each course lasts about ninety minutes—by the end of it you are likely to feel full.