July 12, 2003

Na capa da edição on line da New Yorker está uma fotografia de Arnold Schwarzenegger feita por Richard Avedon. O pretexto é o artigo (imperdível) que vem lá dentro sobre o Terminator 3:
When the T-X finds a bloody dressing that has fallen from the wounded John Connor, she touches it with her tongue, analyzes the DNA in a second, and lets out a momentary “Aaah” of what, if she were a practicing vampire, one would have to call pleasure. As for the scatterings of visual wit, I would not choose to be the person who tells Arnold Schwarzenegger that the fine details of Terminator style—the leathers, the bike, the boots, and, yes, a pair of shades dusted with spangles—are now within an inch of a gay fetish.